Elevating the Sales Profession in Australia and New Zealand

Selling Transformed


Develop the Sales Values which Deliver Competitive Advantage

Philip Squire

‘Selling Transformed‘ by Philip Squire makes a compelling case for a reimagined approach to sales in the evolving 21st-century business landscape. The book presents a thorough examination of the contemporary sales environment, featuring pragmatic insights and novel strategies, making it a must-read for sales teams and leaders striving to stay competitive.

Drawing from years of experience as a sales strategist and the CEO of Consalia, Squire dissects outdated sales practices that have lost traction in the contemporary business world.

‘Selling Transformed‘ presents a convincing argument that shifts in buyer behaviour, digital transformation, and global competition require an extensive rethinking of the sales paradigm. The book’s structure, divided into distinct parts, coupled with a clear, concise writing style, allows for easy comprehension of the primary concepts. Broadly these parts probe the significant alterations in the B2B sales landscape, delves into the essential skills and capabilities required for this new reality and maps out a plan for implementing these novel strategies effectively.

Squire’s detailed analysis of evolving customer expectations in the digital age stands out. He illustrates how today’s customers are better informed, more demanding, and more discerning, thus necessitating a transition from product-centric sales to a more customer-centric strategy. He proposes that sales professionals should morph into trusted advisors, cultivating relationships with clients that transcend mere transactions.

The book is practical, not merely theoretical. It provides real-life examples of businesses that have successfully steered through these changes, rendering the complicated subject of sales transformation relatable and understandable. One limitation is the book’s broad perspective, which might not cater to readers looking for industry-specific insights. However, this wide-ranging approach enhances its applicability across multiple industries and sectors, making it a versatile guide.

‘Selling Transformed‘ is a meticulously researched, insightful, and practical manual for those in the realm of B2B sales. It challenges the status quo of sales wisdom, offering fresh perspectives and clear guidance for transforming sales operations in the face of radical change. Reading the book promises to deepen your understanding and provide the necessary tools to thrive in this new sales era.

Despite the multitude of merits, the book does demand a high level of engagement from the reader. Its richness in information and thought-provoking concepts necessitates careful reading and reflection. Therefore, those looking for a quick-fix sales handbook might find ‘Selling Transformed’ overwhelming. Squire has successfully created a comprehensive and cogent guide to the changing world of sales, blending traditional wisdom with cutting-edge strategies to prepare sales professionals for the future.

  1. How does the transformation described in ‘Selling Transformed”‘ relate to my business’s current sales approach?
  2. What elements of the traditional sales practices highlighted in the book still hold value in my business context, and what needs to change?
  3. How are my customers’ expectations changing in the digital era, and how well is my current sales strategy addressing these changes?
  4. In what ways can my sales team transition from a product-centric to a customer-centric approach, as suggested by Squire?
  5. How can my sales professionals evolve into trusted advisors, creating relationships with clients that go beyond simple transactions?
  6. How can I apply the practical advice and examples given in ‘Selling Transformed‘ to my business?
  7. Which tools and exercises in the book could be most helpful in evaluating my current sales operations and planning improvements?
  8. If the book doesn’t provide industry-specific insights, how can I customize its general principles to my specific industry or sector?
  9. How can the book’s challenge to conventional sales wisdom provide fresh perspectives for my business?
  10. In what ways can the key concepts and strategies outlined in ‘Selling Transformed’ contribute to the overall growth and success of my business in the long term?

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Elevating the Sales Profession in Australia and New Zealand

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